Christmas 2022

Showing all 19 results

Art and Architecture

Adam (Robert, Architect) After.

Designs for a curtain cornice, door furniture, and wall brackets for candles,



Boilly (Louis Léopold)

Les cinq sens,

Out of stock

Art and Architecture

Brockhurst (Gerald Leslie)


Art and Architecture

Brockhurst (Gerald Leslie)



Christmas 2022

Clerk (Thomas)

Plan of the City of Washington,


Art and Architecture

Decker (Paul)

Königlicher Lust Bronnen; Zweijter Königl. Lust Bronnen; Dritter Königl. Lust Bronnen,


Art and Architecture

Elstrack (Renold) After.

Mulld Sake,

Out of stock

Art and Architecture

Fowler (William)

A Roman Mosaic Pavement, found in Littlecote Park in the Parish of Ramsbury, Wiltshire, A.D. MCCXXX,

Out of stock


Gillray (James)

The Plumb-pudding in danger, _ or _ State Epicures taking un Petit Souper,

Christmas 2022

Goos (Pieter)

De Cust van Barbaryen van out Mamora tot Capo Blanco, [on sheet with] De Cust van Barbaryen van Capo Blanco Tot Capo de Geer,


Art and Architecture

McNab (Allan)



Art and Architecture

McNab (Allan)



Art and Architecture

Mortier (Pierre)

Caprarola Palatium Farnesiorum Extra Urbem; Facies Caprarolæ Interna,


Art and Architecture

Nestroy (Johann, playwright)

A pair of scenes from 'Freiheit in Krähwinkel',


Christmas 2022

Piper (John)

Nursery Frieze II - Landscape (Night),


Christmas 2022

Ramusio (Giovanni Battista)

Sumatra, Taprobana,


Art and Architecture

Rowlandson (Thomas, 1756-1827)

Anthropomorphic heads study,

Out of stock

Art and Architecture

Titze (Walter Karl)

12 art deco designs with bird motifs,

Christmas 2022

Wolfe (Edward, RA)

Song of Songs 5 [There are threescore Queens...],
