Maps & Atlases

Showing 1–42 of 93 results

Maps & Atlases of Britain and beyond, including even the occasional celestial cartography.

Out of stock

British Maps

[Bacon (George Washington)]

Plan of Hastings & St Leonards in Quarter Mile Squares,

British Maps

[Mottley (John)] pseud. John Seymour.

A Map of London, Westminster and Southwark, With ye New Buildings to ye Year 1733,



Allen (William H.)

Map of the Punjab and the Sikh Territory,

Out of stock

British Maps

Bacon (George Washington)

Plan of Hastings and St Leonards,

British Maps

Betts (John)

Betts's New Itinerant and Commercial Map of England and Wales,

Out of stock

British Maps

Blaeu (Johan & Willem)

Essexia Comitatus,

British Maps

Blaeu (Willem)

Magnæ Britanniæ et Hiberniæ Tabula,


British Maps

Bowen (Emanuel)

A Plan of the City and Liberties of London after the Dreadful Conflagration in the Year 1666,


British Maps

Bowles (Carington)

Bowles's New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London & Westminster with the Borough of Southwark,


British Maps

Bowles (Carington) and Andrew Dury.

Environs of London Taken from Actual Surveys,


British Maps

Bradshaw (George)

Bradshaw's Map of the Railways in Great Britain, shewing the projected lines to the present time,

Out of stock

British Maps

Cary (John)

Cary's New Pocket Plan of London, Westminster and Southwark,

Out of stock

British Maps

Cary (John)

Cary's New and Accurate Plan of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent; viz. Kensington, Chelsea, Islington, Hackney, Walworth, Newington &c. with an Alphabetical list of upwards of 500 of the most principal Streets with references to their Situation and Plans 0f the New London & East & West India Docks,

British Maps

Cary (John)

A New Map of Derbyshire,


Christmas 2022

Clerk (Thomas)

Plan of the City of Washington,

Out of stock

British Maps

Collins (Greenville)

[Chart of Rye in Sussex],

Out of stock

British Maps

Collins (Greenville)

A New & Exact Survey of the River Dee or Chester-water,

British Maps

Collins (Greenville)

A New & Exact Survey of the River Dee or Chester-water,


British Maps

Collins (Greenville)

Yarmouth and the Sands about it,


British Maps

Collins (Henry George)

Collins' Standard Map of London,


British Maps

Cooper (J.)

Map of England, Wales and the Southern Part of Scotland,


British Maps

Cruchley (George Frederick)

from the Ordnance Map of the Country 14 Miles round London,


British Maps

Cruchley (George Frederick)

Cruchley's New Plan of London improved to 1832,


British Maps

Cruchley (George Frederick)

Cruchley's New Plan of London, Shewing all the new and intended improvements to the present time,


British Maps

Darton (William)

The Stranger's Guide Through the Streets of London and Westminster &c.,


British Maps

Davies (Benjamin Rees)

London and its Environs,


British Maps

Davies (Benjamin Rees)

London and its Environs,

Out of stock

British Maps

Davies (Benjamin Rees)

Davies's New Map of the British Metropolis,

Out of stock

British Maps

Davies (Benjamin Rees)

Map of Sussex, Part I, East,

British Maps

Evans (John)

[Map of North Wales]


British Maps

Faden (William)

The Roads of Great Britain,


British Maps

Faden (William)

A New Pocket Plan of the Cities of London & Westminster, with the Borough of Southwark, Comprehending the New Buildings and other Alterations to the Year 1797,


British Maps

Fairburn (John)

London and Westminster, 1803,


British Maps

Fairburn (John)

London and Westminster, 1799,


British Maps

Freeman (Charles) Surveyor.

Plan of the East & West India Docks,


British Maps

Geographia Ltd. (Publisher)

Pictorial Plan of London,


British Maps

Goad (Charles Edward)

London Fire Insurance Plan, Vol. VI, Sheet 134, Charterhouse Square and Barbican Station, EC1,


British Maps

Goad (Charles Edward)

London Fire Insurance Plan, Vol. VI, Sheet 136, the eastern Barbican district, EC1,


British Maps

Goad (Charles Edward)

London Fire Insurance Plan, Vol. VI, Sheet 135, the Barbican district, EC1,


Christmas 2022

Goos (Pieter)

De Cust van Barbaryen van out Mamora tot Capo Blanco, [on sheet with] De Cust van Barbaryen van Capo Blanco Tot Capo de Geer,


Maps & Atlases

Graphic (The).

Cairo to Khartoum,
